Tuesday, June 22, 2010


My secret superpower is remembering prices. I can do it with clothes, too - 'I like your shirt.' 'Thanks, $6, JC Penney.' It also helps to remember that milk is on sale this week for 3.99 at HT, while rolls are on sale at G for 1.99, etc, etc. Though my brain is too full and for some, especially older shoes, I'm definitely making guesses. Educated guesses, based on lots of experience buying shoes and other items, but still guesses. I wish I could transfer this into a marketable skill......

But maybe my skill will be in helping others find good deals? Though today, I am sorely tempted in my brown professional shoe quest. Every Tuesday and Friday I get an e-mail from shop it to me, a web service that aggragates sale prices on clothing. You give them your preferences (brands, stores, sizes) and they send you an e-mail of items as they go on sale. E-mail me or leave a comment if you want to subscribe, and I'll send you an invite, as there is some bonus if I get ten people to sign up. I believe I've gotten TSM to sign up, so only 9 more to go.

Anyway, this is how I've started cyber stalking shoes, even though shoe buying is a hands (feet?)-on experience. For the most part, I know my preference and sizes, so on-line ordering has only gone wrong once.

Anyway, look what showed up in today's e-mail:
For $29.99! From Piperlime, which means free shipping and free returns. Oohh, the temptation is great. These are super cute, and I'm on a pepetual brown shoe quest.....aaaaahhhhhh! I just resolved no more shoes. No More. Do not need. But yet, look how cute and inexpensive they are.

This is my life, people.

So I will sit and think for a while on these. I do get paid monthly, and the month is almost up......this is why I have an out of control number of shoes.

Also, this:

Lord and Taylor sends me their shoe sale catalog about 4 times a year. Tempting. But! Let me let you in on secrets of a good bargain hunter. The shoe catalog is for suckers. This, folks, is their opening bid. Sure, if you see shoes you love, buy them (see Coach espadrilles) as they might be gone. But if you see shoes that look interesting (hmmm, second row, left), wait and stalk the sale racks that they'll line up starting after the 4th of July. Sign up to receive their extra 25% off coupons - and you too will start buying brand name shoes for less than $25.
Check this page out - espadrilles! Platform espadrilles. I have a jacket that would match the second ones down from the top, on the left......note they're on sale for $48. Well, it's not $85, so that's good, but I scoff at that opening offer. Scoff. They'll be $25 in about a month or six weeks.

I'll go shopping with anyone (and bring along my discount coupons, too!).

1 comment:

Elaine said...

I can't decide if your superpower or my friend's superpower of knowing the eye color of everyone she's ever met is more bizarre.

Ahhh...to not have narrow feet. The last time I attempted to purchase a pair of shoes, the salesperson actually laughed at my shoe size. He assured me a medium would fit, I assured him it wouldn't, he brought it out. It fell off my foot. His eyes popped out of his head and then he laughed.

However, my neighbor tells me Munrom shoes are narrow, and I tried on a pair and they are! I don't know if I need the narrow of the slim (which is even more freakishly narrow than the narrow), but if you ever see a pair in 6.5, holler.