From: Talbots (outlet)
Purchased: hmm - late 90s? early 00s?
Cost: $15
So, turns out our new dog Skipper is a chewer. She hides out under the bed a great deal and one night I heard some chewing. Fished around the next day and pulled this one out. The other one? Hmmm, who knows, possibly/probably buried in the closet someplace. I'm gearing up for a closet clean out so when I find it I'll pitch it, too.
I've been on a long-term search for comfy slides - I wore out a really cool pink pair with brown leathers cord tassels (from Bass Outlet) - I might have bought those shoes twice actually. Never found any as awesome since. These were really never anything more than a throwaway pair, so, well, thrown away.
My nice blue slippers also got a bit gnawed on, but they were salvageable. Now they look like crappy old blue slippers, which is the fate of all slippers eventually. Thus far Skipper has shown no inclination to shoes that are lined up neatly along the dresser, for example, or the shoes jumbled in the corner, so I might be kidding myself but I think the rest will be ok. Talk about a new way to cull, though! Too unpredictable!
Bottom line: trash
1 comment:
I really do want a super comfortable pair of these, but alas, they're almost always too wide at the base of my foot. Sigh.
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