Tuesday, October 5, 2010

September tally

Not to worry friends! The shoe blogging will continue, and I'm going back to every day. I've got three pairs lined up for the discard pile, and have already worn two pairs this month that had never been worn before, so there's more to come. Somehow, though, I've just decided to do an extra 20 posts in October. Just for the fun of it. Hmmm. NaBloPoMo will be a piece of cake compared to this.

Plus I kind of said I was going to start real decluttering. Yikes. Pending unemployment has me stressed out.

So, I kinda on and off blogged/wore different shoes in September - 13 pairs, $413 total, average price $31.77.

I bought two pairs in September, and have worn both. (There are days I worry I am showing an alarming tendency to just acquiring shoes for the pleasure of owning them, not for wearing. Yet another step toward meeting my destiny of becoming a crazy hoarder!). Though, one purchase allowed me an extra discard.

Overall, I've been blogging shoes for 122 days (and yet no merchants are banging down my doors offering free samples yet! What's up with that?).

I've worn 83 pairs (almost half of my estimated total!).

I am keeping 68, trashing 1, donating 9, and on the fence about 5. (I need to go back and look at the fence ones as I think I later got rid of one of them. Also, I have got to get to the cobbler.)

That's 73 kept and 10 out of the house, so a cull rate of 12%. (I kind of have a goal here, and it's about 20%).

I estimate, over the past 15 + years, I've spent $2234.75 on these shoes, or an average cost of $26.92.

It's not escaped my attention that I've purchased 16 pairs of shoes this year, which is more shoes purchased in 9 months than most of my comment-ers own in total. (let's not even talk about the &^%*& pending unemployment thing, ok?)

1 comment:

Herself said...

YAY! Shoe blogging is back. Forget what your parents say...