Friday, October 15, 2010

Week 2 - Thursday tacos

Oops, I neglected to take pictures last night - Chorizo and Potato Tacos with Black Bean Salsa.

Was the recipe easy to follow?
Very easy and quick.

Did it taste good?
Very tasty.

I used Italian sausage instead of chorizo, as offered as an option in the recipe. I figured chorizo might be too spicy. I think a mix would be good, but did you know you can buy Italian sausage filling not in a casing cheaper than sausages? Good to know! We also had regular salsa, too, and I served leftover yellow rice and green beans to the kids.

Kid friendly?
They loved it.

Would we make it again?
Heck yeah. I think best recipe so far (followed closely by the meatballs). We often do taco night and this was a nice twist. And, I cannot wait til Saturday morning, when we heat up the leftover sausage and potato and pour beaten eggs in and make a delicious breakfast.

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