Well, another day, more decluttering. Last day for a while, but I don't want to give up. We're so, so close on having a clean basement. Well, a basement that we can use as a playroom/family room kind of thing. We need it!
Argh! This happened the other day to me. I could not get pictures to load. It's nearly 10, and I'm beat, and tired of tussling with blogger.
So, I won't do a full on picture post, with count. Just a general rundown.
Basement - wow, we have made some progress. You won't believe the before and after pics. There's still a lot to be done, but I'd estimate a few hours of work (4, maybe) and we'd have the basement clean enough for a playroom/hanging out space. We've cleared out a ton, reorganized a ton, and now have to do more reorganizing and moving stuff around to get there. A thorough cleaning of the floor, and a few strategic purchases (space heater, floor covering, and some sort of storage system for toys) and we're done. Wohoo! Major, major accomplishment.
Master bedroom - we moved the baby's dresser in yesterday. Rich washed the co-sleeper sheets, so we're good to set that up next week. Could be a little neater, but all systems are basically go in here.
Front hall - we need to move the boxes up to deep storage in the attic. And a few toys (her wagon!) down to the basement. Again, could be neater, but better than it was.
And that covers the big stuff. Stay tuned for some pictures eventually, a to-date count, and then further adventures in decluttering. This doesn't stop!
I was using NaBloPoMo as extra incentive to keep things going, but might not post when there's no decluttering happening - we'll see what next week brings.
Thanks for your support to date!