Sunday, November 2, 2008

Day 25 - toys

The state of a 3-year old's toys is a never ending source of frustration to me. Things get put away, but in a haphazard fashion that leads to lots of junk just piling up, toys separated from their other parts, and general mess and sloppiness. So today I sorted through the toys. Stuffed animals went back upstairs, some bigs things went to the basement for temporary out-of-rotation, puzzle pieces were reunited, and a pile of junk was thrown away. Papers, parts of never-t0-be-finished craft projects, broken plastic crap, gift bag, a broken dog toy...the list goes on.

Back in August, end of season sale, I bought an outdoor storage box - only $20. But the box has been sitting in our front hallway since purchase. So we put it together and put it in the back yard. We have outdoor stuff stashed everywhere, so slowly we'll be able to fill it.

Today's accomplishments: Quarterly organizing of the toys, resulting in a big pile of trash and things organized. Oh, I also found one of her babies' pants, which have been missing for months. What a relief to have the baby clothed. Anyway, we'll call it two dozen things. Deck Box out of our front hallway, put together, cardboard box in trash and deck box placed in backyard. Oh, and also I started to organize the changing table, and threw out two nearly empty hand sanitizer bottles. My dad puts water in ketchup containers to get out every last bit of ketchup. Um, watery ketchup. These two nearly empty sanitizer containers had been sitting on the changing table for months. Sanitizer does not consolidate from one container to another. And so I threw them out. Yay, me.

Total items: 27