Sunday, November 9, 2008

Day 32 - half hour in the basement

The basement is so cluttered, even a relatively quick pass through yields good results. I was able to junk a bunch of stuff in a quick run through during E's nap.
Today's accomplishment: The giant Solo box was empty except for a moldy towel. It's now filled with other junk: an old metal desk organizer - which contained yet another pair of fake wayfarers, which were so dirty I just trashed them, too; the box from my old Mac G4 (circa 2002?); an old tote bag from maybe high school, but hard to tell since it was so cruddy the lettering had crumbled off; a bag of trash that should have been trashed a while ago; a couple of rags that were moldy.

Total: 9

1 comment:

Stimey said...

You are totally rocking the decluttering. You're inspiring me to get back on the job!