Saturday, November 14, 2009

more brain clutter

I used to maintain a running mental list: my list of companies that had demonstrated poor customer service and were therefore put on my letter of complaint list. I've made one or two complaints in my day and there's a certain satisfaction in getting it out. But, sadly, the list grows and grows and I rarely have the time to make the complaint or even comment. For example, Store #3 is on the list because I really need someone to carry vegetable bouillon cubes.

Our Subaru dealership made it on the list last week. Before our trip, Rich had to take it in because of a recall alert that was easily fixed. But, for some unknown reason, they completely unattached the carseats! As most of you well know, attaching carseats is a pain - we rarely, and I mean rarely, disconnect those seats because getting them in there tight enough is a workout. And I fail to see how an engine issue requires removing carseats. We thought maybe they vaccumed the back, or the seats, but no. Nothing else was done to the interior of the car - just the seats - and the mats/towels under the seat frames to protect the upholstery - jumbled in the back.

So imagine how pleased I was that the dealership called to ensure our service had been a pleasant experience. Well, no, I said, shocking the woman. I politely explained about the seats, told her there was no explanation for why the seats were removed, and said we were extremely displeased.

Ah! One thing off the list.

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