Wednesday, May 27, 2009

a thought

Perhaps, if you choose to live in a small, older house, you simply cannot own as much stuff as someone who lives in a large, spacious, newer house.


V said...

It's also true that if you live in an apartment in New York, you can't own as much stuff as you did when you lived in a Baltimore rowhouse.

I'm thinking of getting rid of Teo's train table. (small sob.) But he needs his sensory stuff more, so those get priority for space.

But you know, I think you guys have a decent-sized house. Maybe just need more efficient storage?

AwwwTrouble said...

We do have a decent sized house, and we do need some more efficient storage. But in the end, I really have Too Much Stuff. I don't have a mudroom and a library and a family room and a huge walk in closet. And I can't purchase Stuff as if I have all this space. I think Stimey once said hidden clutter is the worst problem - because I have stuff in boxes in the basement, I can't box up other stuff and store it. I honestly need to clean out all the extra Stuff I own. And stop buying new Stuff. There's no room for it.

This was a pretty big realization.

Laurie said...

Sounds like you had an 'ah-ha' moment. Good luck with the clean out.