Saturday, November 19, 2011

and so it goes

While my sister did an amazing job motivating Elizabeth to make her room less of a disaster area, they didn't really tackle the root of the problem, which is stuff crammed everywhere.

I've started to notice that if Andrew is enjoying a particular toy a lot, it winds up squirreled away in Elizabeth's room.  This is annoying, to say the least.  

When he pulled out a little car set, and one car was missing, Elizabeth casually said it was in her room, in her nightstand.  I went to find it, but her nightstand was mysteriously empty.  So I went on a small rampage, rooting around in all her stashes.  

Never found the car.  But in 5 minutes of rummaging, I did find:  
  1. A used teaspoon
  2. a yellow cherry from the Hi Ho Cheerio game
  3. a red butterfly from the Elefun game
That girl!  I am in a total funk right now over the toys, and specifically the games, and are really feeling a lot of annoyance directed at the nanny.  Games get hauled out and then pieces distributed everywhere.  It makes me crazy.  None of the games we have can be played right now.  None.  The pieces have been dispersed to the far corners of our house, never to be reunited again.  CRAZY.  ANNOYED.  

And we're heading toward Christmas, and more toys will make their way into our house, and the whole thing makes me think my head is about to explode.  

I'm gearing up for a huge toy sort, and it has to be done before Christmas.  And I have to comprehensively sort the main level, the basement, and her room, or the whole effort is fairly useless.  Why didn't we choose a nanny who was more organized than us?  Or at least even slightly organized?  Or who at least understood why toys should sort of go together.  I'm perpetuating my disorganization on another generation and it is making me grumpy and crazy.  


mom said...

I hear ya! I used to have so much control over the toys that you could actually find everything ready to play and it was great, but nowadays, we are lucky if it happens. Just yesterday I spent all day sorting toys, getting rid of stuff they don't use, putting toy parts together and making sure the games were complete. So now that everything is in place, I wonder how long it will take for the toys and games to be misplaced.

Elaine said...

You have just described my absolute nightmare. My OCD definitely goes in high gear when I find a piece missing from a game. And yes...toy sort coming soon to our home, too.

Herself said...

it's amazing how much your mood can be affected by your surroundings.

Thrift Store Mama said...

This would drive me crazy too.

Here's what you do. Every single toy set goes IN A BASKET THAT IS LABELED and then on a SHELF/SPOT THAT IS LABELED. I'm not exactly sure what to do about the games, but we never have more than 4-5 accessible at one time. If they don't fit on the game shelf, then they go into toy storage.

But in all honesty, then EVERYONE has to be trained to CLEAN UP the game after they finish using it so that the pieces don't get tossed.

My all caps is indicative of my own situation and what I feel like I repeat to the outsiders in my house.