As I'm usually the brawn behind the brains in decluttering our house, I thought I would contribute what I consider to be my pet project. That's actually a misnomer. This is something that is not mine - it's just what I would like to see go. It sits up in our 2nd floor hallway mostly because there's really no other place for it. Inside is a menagerie of women's clothes, many of which hold some sentimental value to Susan. So it's not about just getting rid of everything. That would be cruel. It's about getting this monstrosity out of the hall and finding other places for the clothes. Sounds easy. Far from it!
- Rich
Oh Rich...good luck with that!
I hate it too - it's a huge beast in our hallway. I know I want a bench right there. But I do not know where to put the stuff in that beast! (the donation pile for much of it, I think).
Have you tried those vacuum sealed bags? They're great for clothing and bedding you want to keep but don't use that often and take up a lot less space.
The space bags! Great idea. And really might work. There's not that much stuff in there. Mostly pre-pregnancies summer clothes. A few fancy dresses. Space bags might be just the ticket.
I finally got rid of clothes in good condition I know I won't use, and put them in bags and introduced them in one of those three huge green boxes in 18th street and California Avenue right above Florida Avenue, and 18th st. That is where I put the clothes that I know I am not wearing and want to feel good about taking out of my house. There is a phone in the boxes where you an call to get the donation receipt.
I've got some extra space bags I haven't used in several years. Will happily donate them to the cause provided you promise to bring them into the house from the car.
Why not sell on ebay or at a thrift store ?
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