Monday, November 16, 2009

Cleaning for the Cleaning

I go from never posting to 3 posts in just over 2 weeks. You lucky readers! I'll bet you can hardly contain yourselves.

This site exists because we have clearly demonstrated an inability to effectively keep up with the clutter in our lives/house/car/etc. (Put my office on that list. The piles of paper are astonishing.) Still this has to take the cake.

We have a housecleaner come every 2 weeks to give the house a nice thorough cleaning. It's great and not very expensive all things considered. The thing is that we need to declutter/organize the house prior to the cleaner's visit otherwise we don't really maximize the value. That means organizing kid's toys/books/misc c.r.a.p., clearing off surfaces of clutter (newspapers, magazines, misc c.r.a.p.), putting things in their rightful places that have sat out for the better part of two weeks, etc. This usually takes a solid 1-1.5 hrs to accomplish. This does not include making sure that the sheets have been cleaned for our beds (they change the sheets which is cool).

We typically wait until the last minute, so tonight was the night to prepare. The sheets got done last night so we're more or less ready there. Usually we can spend some time in the morning doing the last minute stuff, but we're both busy with work so everything needed to be done tonight. And that's why I'm getting this post in under the NaBloPoMo wire.

After tomorrow, we begin another 2 week cycle. Maybe one of these weeks we'll figure out how to reduce the clutter throughout the week rather than all at the end. Still, it is nice to see that we actually can declutter this place when necessary. Still, it's mostly just finding places to temporarily stash c.r.a.p. Getting organized and reducing the clutter is another matter.

- Rich


Mom said...

I know what you mean, I hate that you practically need to clean up in order to get the cleaners to "clean up" the house! It really sucks! At least tomorrow after they leave you feel like resting until everything starts to pile up again. I know the feeling!

The Lowe said...

Same here and I've noticed that drawers and closets get crammed with everything and anything just to have it out of the way.

Thrift Store Mama said...

Um, ditto. Except in an effort to try to regain some control, I pick up and declutter the first floor two nights before they come, the second floor the night before they come, and then do touch-ups the morning they come. It is a never-freaking-ending battle. But at 11pm at night on the night before they come, I look at David and say "What would happen if we didn't have a cleaning person? When would we do the big pick up?!?!"

Unknown said...

Hmmmm, birds of a feather ?