Monday, October 27, 2008

Day 19 - a little help

Ack! I know. Each day speeds by. I've been doing some stuff, it's harder to get online to document.

So last week, one night R and I spent time in the basement trying to put together the work bench. We only got halfway through, and the next night I was too wiped out to continue. But he was energized, and finished the workbench, AND threw out a bunch of stuff and organized the work area. Wohoo!

First, a reminder of the before.

And now the after:

Wohoo! Great work. Unfortunately, he didn't keep track of numbers. But the next morning i took a pic of the trashcan.
Accomplishments: Entire tool area organized and put away. Work bench put together. Empty boxes, odds and ends thrown away.

Total items: we're going to call it 24 - 2 dozen.

1 comment:

Stimey said...

That's awesome! Good for R!